Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012's swift kick in the behind

Well I'm beginning to think we have a bit of a curse when it comes to having babies and then Justin losing his job.  Either that or these babies really put our life on the right track. At least this time it was a pretty mutual parting.  So he is going to be taking some of that parental leave that I was not eligible for despite fighting so hard for it.  I'm nervous but trusting our mortgage will get paid for somehow!  I keep trying to manifest large deposits into our bank account, nothing yet but I will keep you posted!
Other than that I've been taking Eli to Gymboree which he LOVES!  It tires him out good to have physical play like that.  I've also been cooking which has been awesome!  A couple recipes I've tried and some I've invented lately are:
Cabbage roll casserole (leftover cabbage rolls from Ukrainian Christmas with canned tomatoes, a white sauce and cheese baked)
Indian Spiced Black Eyed Peas (black eyed, quinoa, with onions, garlic, ginger, canned tomatoes and indian spices)
Burritos with homemade refried beans and leftover salad as filling (beans were cooked with canned tomatoes, salsa, chili powder, cumin and some chopped cilantro)

I just noticed some trends with those recipes:
1) Beans
2) Canned Tomatoes
3) Utilization of leftovers

When you are working with a smaller food budget you tend to use things from your cupboard like dried beans and your mom's delicious canned tomatoes.  Also you find ways to transform leftovers into a new, delicious meal when you have kids and little time to make meals.

Lastly, I started my sun run clinic this morning.  I really think by the end of it I will be able to do a 10 km!  I'm sure I will do some walking but I will also do some running too!  I am going to do two other runs a week too which are laid out for me in my sun run log book they give you.  I'm really looking forward to it!  I've always felt so good when I've been into running and I've been my slimmest.  It's also so nice to have something that is just for me!  Ozzy did really well, I fed him up good before I left and he made it to about 10:30 (so 2 hours).  He can make it longer but he was in his carseat while Daddy took Eli to Gymboree so he was a little crankier, hence why I was impressed!

If anyone has any running advice for me or recipes using simple ingredients please let me know!

My tip for the day for you is when it comes to feeding wraps (ie Burritos) to toddlers.  I had success with it at wrap zone but at home not so last night I tried rolling it in tin foil like they do there so he could hold all the goodness of the wrap together.  It worked amazing.  Just roll it up in tin foil and cut it in half.  This has opened a new world of food!  He had my homemade refried beans, quinoa, cheese, cucumbers, grated carrots and yogurt in his.  And a fruit smoothie for dessert.  Awesome!

Oh and a very happy big 3-0 to my hubby!  Love you more each year hun!  Our 30's are going to be even better than our 20's if you can believe it :)

Monday, January 9, 2012


Time is going so quickly.  Our second little guy was over 12 lbs at 6 weeks.  And in a month my big guy is turning TWO!  Wowza!  

I was thinking the other day about how literally trivial the concept of time is.  Every four years we have to invent a day to make the calender align with the system.  Time is so irrelevant!

Ozzy seems to be cluster feeding a lot!  I am getting poorer sleeps again which is disappointing.  He also seems to be pretty cranky when he's awake and sometimes I feed him just because I'm not sure how to make him happy.  He'll eat when he wakes up and have maybe 10 minutes of playtime and then be cranky for the rest of the hour and 40 minutes he's up.  It's a little frustrating and I try lots of things but the only thing that cheers him up is good eats or standing and rocking him while holding him on his belly which I can't  always do!

Despite a little crankiness I am SO in love with this little guy.  His expressions (especially his mischievous grins) just melt my heart.

Hubby is in week two of yoga teacher training and this morning I was able to join them for a session and I brought little Oz.  He was so good and it felt amazing to do some yoga (a hard kriya at that!)  It felt good to push my body again.  I'm feeling pretty good at 6.5 weeks post baby.  Which is good because I start my sun run clinic this saturday!

Just like his brother at 6 weeks, Ozzy is holding his head so well and trying to bear weight on his legs, such a strong guy!  

Nothing really new to report otherwise.  Just felt like writing since I had the chance.  It's too bad I don't have an excellent topic to discuss but nice to get a little typy-typy out.