So after my last post I posted on facebook about what the doc said and the overwhelming response was that's BS and trust your mommy instincts. So we have been stretching the feeds BUT I will not let my little guy cry. I play with him, make sure his bum is clean, give him the soother, or just some attention and if he's not interested in any of that and is still hungry then he gets fed because he's obviously hungry! It's been working really well. Yesterday he fed at: 8:30am, 12 noon, 2pm, 5:15pm, and 8:45pm. Pretty good stretches there. But the nighttime ones were 12:30, 2:30, 5:30, 8:00, that's one thing I hate about going to bed early, I get woken up three times and often have troubles going back to sleep. I did not sleep much between 5:30-8... maybe not at all. So I'm very tired today. We helped friends paint the outside of their house yesterday too and my neck seems to be off so that may be making me a little grumpy too. Oh well, hopefully I'm over it for a nice mother's day dinner tonight.
Happy Mother's Day to you all you Mom's out there!!!
The first Mother's Day is very surreal and the second usually is as well. lol I want to get a family ring when we're all done as well but like you, we're not done (at least we hope not) and we're not sure if it'll be two or three more (though I don't imagine it will be three more unless twins are in our future!) :D