Not much to report here.
Here are Ozzy's 10 month Stats:
Weight: 25 lbs (back up from 23 when he was sick)
Height: 28.25 inches
We finally seem to all be well, knock wood!
We helped hubby's parents move into our fourplex, yay! Except now MIL needs a job here so she can stop commuting and living with her sister in law :(
My pain hit an all time low and now seems to be a bit better, I can make it through the day with very little pain now.
Here's a recap on everything I'm doing for my back:
- I'm taking four RegeniFree a day (Univera anti-inflammatory agent)
- I'm taking Xtra (Univera product suggested for all, though I have been taking this for years now)
- I'm taking Iron (not for my back but for my energy)
- I took Bamboosa homeopathic treatment for 5 days as suggested by my Naturopath
- I'm on Week 4, day 2 of Dairy cleanse and Week 3, day 5 of Wheat cleanse
- I am starting physio with the hospital arthritis team on Wednesday
- Weekly chiropractic adjustments, which I've been doing anyway for months
My other remedies are 2 am dates with facebook and my magic bag, though those are only about every second night now.
I would like to be taking more Univera products but alas the cash flow is not currently available for that.
The problem with trying all these things is that it may hard to nail down what's helping if something does, in fact help.
I am also teaching yoga about 3 times a week which seems to be feeling good while in the past it may not have felt so good.
Lastly, I passed my road test so I can officially drive by meself! Horray freedom!
I'm going to get a few precious hours of sleep in now. I forgot to get Ozzy in a night time bum before bed so it's likely he will wake up wet and then wake up more when I change him so we may have a mid-sleep date coming.... *snore
Sweet Dreams! ~*~*~
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