Yesterday my little babiest baby boy turned a whole year old. A whole year of Oz-bert!
So here he is, a year full of Ozzy.
The great and powerful Oz! Minutes old!
I cannot say enough about this wonderful soul in my life!
His spiritual name Jot Prakash Singh says it all, he's the lion who's alight with the light of god and breaking dawn. I knew the first time I looked into his eyes that he was full of light and powerful, captivating energy.

Ozzy 1 month old.
His first Christmas was quiet but special, he was quick to smile too!
Ozzy 2 months old.
He had a strong head and neck from day one and rolled over pretty quickly.
Ozzy 3 months old.
He also smiled early, though he was camera shy for it and looks more tired here...
Ozzy 4 months old.
He also laughed really early :)
Ozzy 5 months old.
He also jolly jumped really early!
And got teeth really early at 5 months (ouch!)

Ozzy 6 months old.
At 6 months it was apparent, we had a comedian on our hands, loves to make people laugh, gets a charge out of it actually!
He also sat up on his own just short of 6 months.
Oz survived our first family move at 6.5 months! It was hard to leave the house he was born in but mommy survived :(
He also thinks Elmo is hilarious.
Ozzy 7 months old.
Though we started giving him food at 7 months, he hated being fed by a spoon, we got creative and gave him mushy finger foods which were very messy for mom and dad...
He began crawling at 7.5 months!
Ozzy 8 months old.
Just like his brother a couple days after he started crawling he pulled himself up, loving his noisy fridge magnets!
By 8.5 months he was pushing away from things and standing on his own!
Summer was good but he didn't love the water as much as we hoped he would. But he didn't hate it as much as Eli either. Win!
Ozzy 9 months old.
Goo's first PNE was a success and he was a much better road companion than his brother despite that he doesn't much like his car seat.
He also said his first word Mama!
Ozzy 10 months old.
Ozzy is starting to come around to food, it's not a ridiculous struggle but with his 6 teeth (twice as many as Eli at this age) he still eats barely anything at best half of what Eli did.
At 10.5 months (October 1st) he took his first "set" of steps (9 to be exact). Which according to my Dad is officially walking!
Ozzy 11 months old.
Ozzy is incredibly independent and loves playing on his own with his kitchen, fake food, and wooden spoon! He will freak out if you take his spoon away.
He also loves any toys that spin.
At 11 months he added Baba and Dada to his vocabulary! As well as what Mama swears is 'Duck'!
Ozzy on his first birthday!
Our baby boy is 1 year old!
Weighing in at 26 lbs and measuring 29.25 inches!
We cannot imagine our lives without our little ray of light!
We love you forever and always Ozzy!
I turned 29 today. I had an amazing birthday.
I had the privilege of going to Vancouver for a yoga conference this weekend and having all the wonderful people in my life come together to make it happen. I had an amazing childcare team in Penticton and my Dad drove me there and back through some pretty terrible weather too on the way home.
I went into this weekend expecting to learn a lot about how to teach yoga a little better. However, what I actually received from this weekend was a little different. It was more of a self-discovery weekend than anything, but that could be the best way to become a better teacher I bet.
When my Dad dropped me off at Vancouver Convention Centre I'll be totally frank, I was vibrating with nervous, excited energy, to the point where my teeth were actually chattering. I looked around the wonderful floor show and showed off my new yoga bag my mom made me for my birthday. Then I had an interesting encounter with a corner that seemed to bring people I needed to me. Then it was time for my first session.
My first yoga session was Heartrise Yoga for Teens. I wanted to take their yoga for kids session which was a 6 hour intensive but it conflicted with my prenatal yoga intensive so I wanted to check out the teen yoga at least. I was not disappointed. It brought me back to the feelings of being a teenager and also made me realize a lot of things about myself. I had always thought I was just a "good kid" in high school and a bit of a follower but I never realized I was simply a late bloomer. It took me longer to find myself and I am still finding out who I am. I didn't rebel against my parents ideals until well into my twenties and rebelling for me simply meant becoming vegetarian and deciding I wanted to choose to do things differently in my life than them, or look at some things differently.
My second session was on yoga for chronic back pain and I tell you, lugging my 25 lb, gigantic bag into the room felt a bit counter-intuitive and ironic. In here I learned so much about the pain process and how the body reacts on such a neurological level to turn emotions into physical sensations. I felt a renewed sense that the terrible sciatica I was having and continue to have is emotional manifestation in my body and also that I have the ability to do something about it. The body's primal reaction to pain is to keep safe and not change but when it's emotions and not actual physical danger involved the best thing is to create change. My main emotion that I'm storing is fear. Fear that my pain will never go away, fear that I am not enough of a help to everyone when I'm in pain, fear that without the pain no one will love me or take care of me, fear that it will always be this way.
I then had a fantastic dinner and visit with my amazing friend who put me up for the night, had a decent sleep though lots of sciatic pain and engorgement despite pumping. My body definitely missed Ozzy.
Being in Vancouver always reminds me of the first time I was on my own in life. I had always been dependent on my parents or friends or Justin and once we moved to Vancouver and Justin was attending a different school for the majority of the day I was left to create my own life. I spent a lot of time on transit, drinking coffees, listening to music and doing some self-discovery. It also brings me back to life before kids, when it was more care-free and just Justin and I enjoying each other. The freedom felt amazing, especially since I was so excited to be attending this conference with no distractions from my everyday life. The only time I even felt connected to that life was my choice through texting and a brief phone call. It felt a little selfish, a little guilty and a little fun. It was also a little lonely and displaced feeling. But it gave me an opportunity to think of what I would like to do with my life if I wasn't having to take care of a family.
My next session was Restorative Yoga Therepuetics for Emotional and Mental Healing. Also amazing insight into the pain process and how restorative yoga can help. It made me realize how important restorative yoga is to everyone, especially me, and if I couldn't do any other yoga in my life I need to be doing this one. I will be finding a class to take asap. It also made me realize how much I loved teaching restorative yoga. By letting your students go deep within in quiet stillness, they can actually begin to rewire their brain. Rewire tendencies, thoughts, body pain. I want more and more of this! I want to do Bo Forbes teacher training.
Finally I did my prenatal intensive and realized how much my kids teach me and my body teaches me and how much I already know about everything. How to let intuition into every part of your life, especially teaching.
I have a lot to integrate now. My experience of a single version of me needs to be combined with the family version of me. I need to be both of these people. I need to heal me, heal others, and be mom and wife. I need to fit in more training and education. It makes me so happy and at peace and close to my purpose of life. I want to help others heal themselves.
Once home, I definitely felt different. Things felt easier, more peaceful, more purposeful. As mom's we lose our purpose quite often into things that matter but at the same time don't matter such as running the household and raising the kids. What I'm realizing more and more though is that by taking care of my needs and purpose I am being a model to my children and living my truth and the rest of my life becomes easier and almost effortless. It's when I'm fighting those urges that things get harder and stressful.
So I sit here now pondering my next steps. I've been using my cane today, my body is a wreck. I'm just trying to be, and accept the pain. This is an experience. Big changes are afloat in my world. They will happen through subtle changes I will make as I retrain my mind to accepting myself for who I am and what I long to do in my life.
I have enough.
I do enough.
I am enough.