So here he is, a year full of Ozzy.
The great and powerful Oz! Minutes old!
I cannot say enough about this wonderful soul in my life!
His spiritual name Jot Prakash Singh says it all, he's the lion who's alight with the light of god and breaking dawn. I knew the first time I looked into his eyes that he was full of light and powerful, captivating energy.

Ozzy 1 month old.
His first Christmas was quiet but special, he was quick to smile too!
Ozzy 2 months old.
He had a strong head and neck from day one and rolled over pretty quickly.
Ozzy 3 months old.
He also smiled early, though he was camera shy for it and looks more tired here...
Ozzy 4 months old.
He also laughed really early :)
Ozzy 5 months old.
He also jolly jumped really early!
And got teeth really early at 5 months (ouch!)

Ozzy 6 months old.
At 6 months it was apparent, we had a comedian on our hands, loves to make people laugh, gets a charge out of it actually!
He also sat up on his own just short of 6 months.
Oz survived our first family move at 6.5 months! It was hard to leave the house he was born in but mommy survived :(
He also thinks Elmo is hilarious.
Ozzy 7 months old.
Though we started giving him food at 7 months, he hated being fed by a spoon, we got creative and gave him mushy finger foods which were very messy for mom and dad...
He began crawling at 7.5 months!
Ozzy 8 months old.
Just like his brother a couple days after he started crawling he pulled himself up, loving his noisy fridge magnets!
By 8.5 months he was pushing away from things and standing on his own!
Summer was good but he didn't love the water as much as we hoped he would. But he didn't hate it as much as Eli either. Win!
Ozzy 9 months old.
Goo's first PNE was a success and he was a much better road companion than his brother despite that he doesn't much like his car seat.
He also said his first word Mama!
Ozzy 10 months old.
Ozzy is starting to come around to food, it's not a ridiculous struggle but with his 6 teeth (twice as many as Eli at this age) he still eats barely anything at best half of what Eli did.
At 10.5 months (October 1st) he took his first "set" of steps (9 to be exact). Which according to my Dad is officially walking!

Ozzy 11 months old.
Ozzy is incredibly independent and loves playing on his own with his kitchen, fake food, and wooden spoon! He will freak out if you take his spoon away.
He also loves any toys that spin.
At 11 months he added Baba and Dada to his vocabulary! As well as what Mama swears is 'Duck'!
Ozzy on his first birthday!
Our baby boy is 1 year old!
Weighing in at 26 lbs and measuring 29.25 inches!
We cannot imagine our lives without our little ray of light!
We love you forever and always Ozzy!
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