A week ago I was getting pretty frustrated that I kept putting things on hold for baby, and even more importantly everyone else did too. My friend couldn't go to a new store that opened an hour away, my parents couldn't go an hour away to do a big shop at a large store. So on Saturday I gave everyone permission to just do what they need to do, we ended up doing a road trip too. We tried out our new DVD player and Ozzy got carsick outside of Tim Horton's :P We also got some bulk groceries and of course kitty litter. I did not go into labour, everyone got to do what they wanted, it was a great day and felt kind of freeing.
July 28th, 2014:
I didn't really sleep well Sunday night so I made sure I had a nap Monday morning.
Then I went to the chiropractor, met with another "are you still pregnant?" haha :P I had a really strong contraction on the way there and even a bigger one on the way home. I decided I may not be safe to drive any more if those contractions were going to be a regular happening.
I got home and had some lunch and hung out with my mom and the boys. Then about 2:40pm I had another strong, painful contraction. I had some more and my mom kept telling me this is it, but I was too afraid to get behind it because they were still about 25 mins apart. I was convinced when they got to 10 minutes apart and it was 4:30pm because usually by the 2 hour point they peter out for me if it's not the real deal. So I called my midwives and she and I talked and because of my history of quick labours she said she would come check if I wanted. She checked me at about 5:15pm and my water broke. So we mobilized Team Birth!
The contractions got a lot stronger pretty soon after and I was doing the standing/leaning thing for awhile and then decided lying down would be better and more restful.
My mom and Justin's mom had taken the boys outside to play after I was trying to make the birth bed and Eli was so excited he bounced on the bed and off into the wall head first.
Contractions were very intense and I had to fight the urge to push A LOT. I'll never forget that feeling of no control, your body just trying to take over and your mind trying to keep up. I don't think I pushed more than 5 or 6 times before my baby's head was out and my midwives guided me through a fist by his head and a slow delivery. I'm so thankful for them and my pretty standard, easy to sew up tear this time. And then he was born at 7:34pm!
Having my sweet baby on my chest and not having to let him go for anything which was a total first for me was just amazing. My mother in law and Eli came in less than a minute after he was born which was really neat. Eli asked a lot of questions and seemed concerned but pretty all right with everything overall.
I got to hold him for a good hour while I was stitched up. Justin said, you know you're going to have to give him up some time! I replied, are you getting sewed up right now? I'll give him up when that's done.
When I finally gave him up my Mother In Law brought me a beautiful piece of toast, very much enjoyed as I missed dinner which I shared with my little toast machine Ozzy and had a cuddle.
I felt really great afterwards, I could walk around by myself and get myself things which was much different from feeling so awful, shaky, and dependent on others after Ozzy's birth. All in all if he hadn't had his fist up by his head I may not have torn and then it probably would have been the perfect birth. I got to hold my hubby and my best friend's hands the whole time, I got to be in my house, in my bed, I got a quick labour, a minor tear, and a beautiful healthy baby boy.
He was 8 lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long. He was also nameless for a bit.
I got to looking at names the next morning and narrowed it down to 5 that resonated with this little man. One that was jumping out at me the most was Griffin and after I showed Justin the 5 names he said Griffin as well, so it was a pretty easy decision. His middle name is Theodore after my mom and my mom in law's family. Theodore is my mother in law's brother's name and my mom's father's middle name.
He may get some Harry Potter nicknames though we realized later as the hybrid of the two names is Griffin-dore, haha.
I am adjusting pretty well. Breastfeeding is agony as I remembered it to be the first week. The boys are super emotional and not listening well but I'm trying to give them lots of love. My hormones are all over the place, as is my sleep. But I am so happy that my family is now complete and I have my three wonderful boys and the support and love of my wonderful husband (and extended family and friends of course). I am so blessed!
But I think I have used all the time I have right now, Grif is a pretty good sleeper so far but he's due for some milk any minute.
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