Well I have more proof that my son is an eating machine! He is now 8 pounds 3 ounces which means he gained nearly a pound and a half in 12 days. I also can't believe he's going to be a month old on Friday.... a whole month!!!! Where did that month go?!?!
My midwife appointment went great, we're both still perfectly happy and healthy! Which brings me to my hot topic today: Immunizations.
My midwife suggested a book called:
Vaccinations: A thoughtful parent's guide: How to make safe, sensible decisions about the risks, benefits and alternatives
She said it was the most balanced book on immunizations. My hubby is against them and I feel like we should possibly get some done. My midwife also told me that you can put them off until 6 months too if that feels better to you since their immune systems will be more developed. Hubby and I are excited to read this book, we take great pride in making decisions based on knowledge rather than fear. I believe not getting vaccines because you are afraid of what's in them is just as bad as getting the vaccines because you are afraid that your kid will get the disease.
So that is my food for thought for today. I will tell you one thing Eli will not be getting the chicken pox vaccine. There is no need, he will just go over to a friend's house and be itchy for 3 days. I had them at 19 and it was the sickest I have ever been. If for any reason he doesn't get them by age 10 I would consider it because he does not need to go through that pain.
On a lighter, brighter note, we got our sneak a peek for Eli's first photo-shoot. I'd like to share with you everyone's favorite. My smiley little angel :) Goodnight!

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