I have spent the past 3 and a half days in bed (or on the couch or floor) feeling pretty much like death warmed over. I don't mean to be dramatic, it just was seriously horrible. It hit me early Thursday morning and Justin had to work so my mom came to help and after 3 hours of being over she had it. I felt so awful. So I finally convinced her to go home at about 4:00pm after 4 hours of taking turns leaving our faithful cushions on the floor to do Eli tasks or visit the washroom. So Justin gets home and takes care of Eli and by midnight, poor hubby has joined the ranks of the stomach flu. So New Years Eve was definitely a quiet one for us, New Years Day too. We had a grocery delivery from a lovely friend with a good recovery soup recipe which I managed to make yesterday. But I keep moving in and out of this terrible nauseous state even though it's been almost two days since I've thrown up. Last night I figured it was dehydration so I've been drinking as much water as I can. It's crazy how little of it I retain. Eli isn't getting as much milk as he's used to and crying heartbreaking cries and biting me while nursing (with 4 teeth now, this REALLY hurts!) And this morning after tons of water and a nap I felt insanely nauseous again. I just can't figure out how to kick this thing!
The worst part is definitely hearing Eli cry because he's not getting enough milk. I'm nursing every two hours, generally on both breasts but my supply still isn't up to what it was. I'm just so thankful Eli has not caught this nasty bug and I accredit that to breastfeeding. He must be getting every antibody from me to fight it off. Thank goodness for breastfeeding!
So that brings me to my New Years Resolutions and a very ironic one to start.
- I wanted to lose 10 lbs (I didn't really want to do it by the 1st of January, however.)
- So I suppose goal #2 would be to keep the 10 lbs off in a healthy way.
- I want to finish half my yoga teacher training by the end of the year and become 200 hr RYT status.
- We want to spend more time as a couple and as a family. These past 3 days have really shown us what we are missing and have been somewhat of a blessing in disguise.
- We want to start an RESP for Eli.
- We want to by the end of this year start saving 10% of what we earn.
- We want to be earning $1,000.00 a month from Univera by the end of the year.
- We have a few house goals such as painting our living room, making our kitchen more usable and possibly painting the outside of our house and adding pocket doors onto our bathrooms.
- I want to start doing a personal hatha practice twice a week for my own benefit. I feel a bit weird that teaching and my once a month teacher training is all the hatha yoga I do. Makes me feel like what right do I have teaching this stuff?
- I really want to kick my unhealthy addictions with food. This includes junk food (I'm already doing awesome on the pop (pop free since November 11th!)) and especially emotional eating. I have so many emotions attached to food and I know how unhealthy that is.
- Continue my daily sadhana for my kundalini yoga.
I figure 11 goals is pretty good for 2011. I love that we are in an 11 year. Beautiful number.
I don't really have any goals to do with Eli. I'm sort of just really trying to parent with my heart more than anything. I would love to see him potty-trained by the end of this year but I'm not going to push him before he is ready. Weaning would be easier for work but he's been going 6 hour stretches in the morning anyway so that's perfect for when I work 4 hours a day again. The only other reason for weaning would be to have another baby. I'm so confused about this subject still. I was really going to try and wean him at a year and I go back and forth so many times on this. Is it the best for him? He still loves to breastfeed! And these past few days has shown me how much he gets from it (and how hard it is for all of us when he doesn't get it!) But at the same time, he's been sort of weaning himself. He is going 6 hours in the morning without a feed. So basically what I'm hoping is that gradually he just weans himself and I would love to keep doing morning/evening feeds for as long as I can but I also would really like to have kids only about 2 years apart. I think this is another case of I need to stop over-thinking and just let it unfold in front of me.
I really like the phrase "parenting from the heart" (as I used above). It really speaks to me. I heard it from the lovely site of Peaceful Parenting. Though it's a tad "holier than thou" at times, it really does offer a lot of solid information. I agree with most of the posts. But as usual parents so easily get caught up into what they are doing and tend to judge others for making different decisions.
Well I think that's enough for today. Happy January! Happy 2011! It's going to be a good year, especially now that my body has been cleansed to the core, lol!
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