Monday, November 22, 2010


I have been having a rough past few days. Perhaps a rough few weeks even. First of all we all got sick, yet again. If you're keeping track that is like 4 colds in 2 months. Second of all, Eli has taken to nurse for two seconds then pull off and act completely uninterested. Then he continues on like this till he gets up and wants to nurse sitting. As soon as he gets up he gets so upset that he's not eating anymore! So frustrating. Thirdly, Eli has been so cranky that he wants to eat like every 1.5 - 2 hours. He must be getting a tooth but I don't feel one. He's got a little rash under his lip from drool and everything. But it's so taxing on me to hear him cry and cry and cry.

Justin is great but he seems to offer a lot of advice without really confirming that he hears what I'm trying to say and why I am frustrated. I think it makes me extra angry hearing advice from him since he doesn't have to deal with it all day and when he does he's not expected to get anything done. Life would definitely be easier to do nothing all day but I would go crazy! I haven't left the house in 2 days and that alone is making me crazy. We have had a really big cold snap and all the momma's don't seem to want to walk much in it. That is my only transportation so I'm a little more motivated, hehe.

On another note we've been working on increasing our financial stability. We did a budget and although it's very hard to follow and very restrictive we kind of don't have a choice for once. It's do or die, or a least do or don't pay our bills. But the bright sides are as follows:

  • I'm drinking less coffee
  • I'm eating less junk food
  • We're wasting less of the food we buy
  • We're eating better, healthier meals
  • I don't have the question "what am I going to make for dinner?" because it's all laid out for me in a meal plan
So that's what we've been up to. I'm really excited it's almost Christmas time! October is my favorite month of the year weather-wise, but December is my favorite when it comes to good cheer! People just seem so much more genuine in December. They really, authentically want to help each other and feel connected in humanity with one another. Bliss.

Oh and I'm thinking of opening a yoga studio in my house but am looking for a name. Any suggestions are welcome!