Monday, May 28, 2012


omg.  If there was ever a time for me to say, please not one more thing on my plate it would be right now.  I am exhausted.
Working part time and being a mommy is enough work for anybody, but trying to coordinate a move all by myself while finishing my teacher training has been ridiculous.  I'm not going to type much because I am too tired and recovering from the stomach flu still, though much better than I was.  Just having troubles getting my energy back up afterwards.
BUT, little Mr. Oz turned 6 months last Wednesday so I felt the need to report some stats.  Ozzy weighed in at 22 lbs and measured 27.25 inches (maybe a half, he doesn't sit very still, ever.)

6 months is the magic food age apparently.  I am wanting to try baby led weaning which means letting the baby feed himself from day one and not necessarily giving purees, more trying to feed them from what you are having as a family.  No spoons and no putting the food in baby's mouth.  This control from the baby is supposed to help the baby only eat what they want to and learn their full cues from a young age.  They are supposedly less picky eaters as well when they grow up.

My main problem with this process is knowing what to give him surprisingly.  So far he has had a piece of banana, mashed potatoes, honey dew, and a piece of orange.  He didn't love the banana, wolfed down the mashed potatoes and destroyed/juiced the honey dew and orange.

I am just very unmotivated to give him any food.  Maybe that should be my sign but he so wants food and is so interested in it.  I'm just wondering what to feed him.  As a society we have these set rules of what to start and when and now much like the packing of my house, I feel so overwhelmed with where to start that I don't.  Well ok, my mom made me start.  She's been amazing (love you Mama! xo) and we have started packing the house.

Moving countdown:  4 sleeps

I'm in trouble.

Bed for now though, that's a worry for another day.