Tuesday, April 13, 2010

12 lbs at 2 Months! & Infant GERD

Eli turned 2 months old yesterday and we weighed him in today at about 12 lbs!!! Wow! Pretty much doubled his birth weight. Way to grow buddy!!!

Other exciting things that happened in the last week have been:

* watching Eli turn his head from one side to the other in one motion while on his tummy

* watching him jump when I lift him into the air

* moving the snaps up in his cloth diaper to the medium setting

* finding out Eli can actually be alone for about 15-20 minutes in his brand new swing from my parents

The downfall of the past week has been Eli showing symptoms of infant GERD. He's been spitting up so much more and screaming when he eats. So immediately I got on an elimination diet. For two weeks I'm cutting out: dairy, chocolate, citrus, tomatoes, my de-caf mochas, carbonated beverages, & peanut butter. Then I'm slowing introducing them back in to see what the culprit is. Although I may have already found it because he was doing so much better after 3 days on the diet and then last night it all started again. I think it may be indian food. So I will cut out that for sure and see if any of the other things I'm adding back in cause any reactions too.

I tell you though the guilt I feel knowing I ate something and caused him to scream like he does and get so upset, unbearable. It hurts my soul.

So I will keep you posted on my progress on this! I think I am going to reintroduce chocolate after 1 weeks. It'll only be vegan chocolate anyway. Then I'm going to add tomatoes 3 days later, then citrus, de caf coffees, carbonated beverages, peanut butter and finally dairy. It's actually been kind of nice to be free from dairy again, a great excuse too. If I just can't figure it out from these I will cut out soy, wheat, corn and eggs which are also likely culprits.

Wish me luck! Wish me no more screaming baby!


  1. Good luck on the diet, hope you figure it out!
    What type of cloth diapers do you use that you have to move snap for mediums?

  2. We use the Bum Genius Diapers 3.0. Sorry I haven't answered sooner, I wasn't aware anyone read my blog :D

    I think I have figured it out, legumes tend to make him gassy and unhappy (peanuts, lentils, beans, soy) and dairy seems to make him spit up more... very interesting!
