Thursday, February 17, 2011


My little man is one year old. Never again will I experience a day of the year that I have not had a son again. Not true actually, next year when February 29th wakes up from it's four year sleep I will get to experience another day for the first time with my baby boy. But I think you get the idea.

It's taken me nearly a week to write this post. I kept thinking to myself all day, I need to blog on his birthday, and trying to find time. Finally I gave up and said to myself, "really?" I'm going to stop being with my son in order to write about him? So instead, I just thoroughly enjoyed being around my baby boy on his birthday and on top of that celebrated MY "birth" day! Women don't nearly do this enough! It technically is their birth day too. It was a lot of work! So I truly tried to remember and savour each detail. I gave little Mister E a huge hug and kiss and held him at his birth time 7:59am, as I was not able to when he was actually born. I think it was at least 5-10 minutes before I actually got to hold my son. Ridiculous, now that I look back on it. If I am able to I will be doing a home birth next time. If I can't and end up in the hospital they will need to perform any tests they need to from his position on my chest as I hug my baby! But I digress...

Still no official weight or height, it's difficult to get to the health unit with Justin at work all day. Plus other than to get the official height and weight, I have no desire to go there. The nurses joke about "poking" my baby with shots and utter things like "oh not today? Well we'll get you next time." It's a little disturbing to me actually. But I weighed him on our scale and it said 24 lbs. I measured him myself as well and got 30.5 inches. He hasn't grown much (or at all actually) since he started walking.

My little guy is still not saying too much. Works on duck (more like duh!) Says Mamamama when being fed or wanting to be fed. Says Dadadada all the time! And is working on Nanana which we think is because he wants a banana, little monkey. At any rate, I'm pretty sure my prediction that he will be a man of few words will be true. Few words, but profound ones.

We had a birthday party for the monkey with his buddies a few days before his birthday. It started out with pizza eating and crawling, turned into cupcake eating in their underwear, and ended with a group bath. How many people could get away with THAT kind of birthday?

His second celebration was on his birthday with both sets of grandparents and Uncle Monkey. It was perfect, he enjoyed his favorite meal (lasagna and garlic bread) and in true monkey form ate the banana garnish before even thinking about touching the Funky Monkey cake my mom made and I designed (peanut butter cake, banana cake and chocolate icing all together!)

His last birthday party is this Sunday with our yoga community. It will be a potluck with a meditation and I'm really looking forward to it. Our Siri Simran or "Great Meditator" will feel right at home.

Project Minimalize Update:

Well we start Eli's RESP tomorrow And we've raised $335 with $147 still to come! A great start to his education. We may do this every year for a contribution!

Project has come to a bit of a stand still. Lots of items that are waiting to be picked up by out of town buyers. Quite a few things that no one wanted. And a closet that I'm still not even sure where to begin on. It's mainly filled with books, hobbies, computers we need to get data off of before trashing.

I did go through my clothes, again! It's kind of like a drug to me know. I was feeling down the other day so I did another cut and got all high again. I can't do anymore until I figure out what kind of job I am going back to.

Job update!: No news really. Lots of leads, no actual offers though. I got fairly discouraged a few nights ago (hence my re-minimalizing my clothes) but after an amazing get together with the women of my kundalini yoga group for the full moon last night, I feel refreshed with a renewed sense of faith and trust. Everything will come to me when it's ready to. I'm getting a lot of signs to wait a month and although waiting a month on paper is devastating to our finances, I just can't think about that right now. Trust trust trust!

The only other update I can think of to tell you is that I am still not pregnant yet. I thought for sure I would be by the time Eli was one. I even was so sure I was a few weeks back I bought him a 'Big Brother' tshirt and had these elaborate plans to use it as a birthday gift and surprise the grandparents at Eli's party. I even bought a belly band for pregnancy off baby steals. So finding out I wasn't again, and wasting another $10 on a pregnancy test (I think we're up to 7 taken in the last 7 months) was really a blow. Crushing actually. But again I've found another renewed sense of trust. Even if I'm only going to be blessed with one child I am happy. He is perfect for us. Maybe he's not ready to be a big brother quite yet. There are many days that I think "Why do I want another child, I can't even @*&$#%ing handle this one?!!" I have to get over the fact that I think I know what's best for me or my family. I have been dealing with a lot of issues as I return to my "normal" cycle. My hormones have been super crazy and lots of crazy pregnancy like symptoms (which has added to the am I pregnant drama in my head!). This has been very difficult to handle (and other around me to handle me as well). I'm trying to adjust my diet to help them along back to normal territory. It's really best for everyone involved ;)

Last but not least, he's been working on tooth #5 for about a week now. *rolls eyes

Enough said.

And at that I bid you goodnight. A lengthy, informative update. Hopefully you enjoyed it. And I'm going to leave you by thanking my little man, for turning one and for being born in general. Without him this blog would not exist and without him I would have not grown as much as I have and come to appreciate the world as much as I have. I love you little man. Happy Birthday again!

1 comment:

  1. love this post! it's nice to hear the good, bad, and the ugly. I'm so impressed by your optimism! something will work out, it always does hang in there!
