Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Eli's Birthday Fundraiser/Telethon/Online Garage Sale Extravaganza!

So I'm nearly a week into my minimalization journey. What a road it's been so far. Hubby and I are seriously both on such a high from releasing ourselves from these possessions. I read or heard once how much of our energy having possessions takes and I never really thought about that before but it makes sense. You are conscious of this possession and where it is and what it "means" to you so of course that takes energy to think about that each time you look at it.

So I decided I didn't really want to give away our possessions because we wanted them to go to homes that really needed and would respect them, but I didn't want people to think we were just greedy so I remembered one of our 2011 goals to start an RESP for Eli. Thus the Eli RESP fundraiser was born meaning all the money we make from selling what we don't use is going towards Eli's education fund, something which he hopefully WILL use someday.

This idea has been crazy successful. I just posted an album of pictures on facebook and in this past almost week I have made $240 for Eli's education fund. I'm not too surprised because we have always invested in pretty good things and often de-clutter (something much different from what we are doing right now mind you). We have good things for cheap prices, but the amazing response from friends and family has been such a reminder of what a beautiful thing community is. The furthest purchaser's location thus far? Edmonton. My cousin wants my No Doubt Tshirt so bad she's willing to pay the $2 for the shirt plus shipping. Love you Ms. Scott!!!!

Also I have inspired three more friends to do the same thing. Every time I talk to people about this little journey we're on I feel a little silly because I think most people don't get it but as I start talking about it more I think my assertiveness and enthusiasm about it actually ends up inspiring them. I'm just not happy living a life by someone else's standards and my favorite saying is: A leader doesn't say "follow me", he/she says "I'll go first."

You can't be afraid to get out there and be you. If that means selling your couch and hearing "what are you going to sit on?!" a few times daily, then so be it. If being me means being me with less things I am happy with that. I know what's important to me, I don't need to keep things to have my memories and that doesn't make me unsentimental or unfeeling, it simply means I am making room in my life for the things that matter RIGHT NOW. Making room for me spending more time and energy with my family. And I'm not saying that if you keep mementos and souvenirs that means you don't want to spend time with your family, it simply means this is the path I'm on and I accept that it might be different from yours. Or it might not be. We'll see I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Hey shelly, so awesome! I've actually never seen or known anyone get rid of as many things as me! I just wanted to mention, you did inspire me about putting photos on facebook, but if I read some back posts of my blog you'll see I was onto the same thing before you posted about it. I think this was more a case of similar wavelengths! I started getting rid of a lot because we hope to move overseas...but I've gotten down to the bare minimum many times in preparation for "big changes" even when I didn;t know what was coming. It always worked.
    I hope you'll continue to inspire others. This western world doesn't realize how much their posessions also can own them. Need it? use it? love it? then pass it on to someone who can!
