Sunday, December 4, 2011


My hubby goes back to work on Wednesday.  That is 2.5 days from now.  My my how 2 weeks can fly by.
I'll be honest, I'm pretty frightened to do this on my own.  I know I'll be ok, like no one will die or anything, I'm mostly worried about my sanity.  The hardest thing I do in a day is get Eli down for a nap or down for bed at night.  He has been so cranky lately.  I know it has a lot to do with sharing mommy (and especially sharing Baba, he won't even let her hold Ozzy) but it's to the point of tantrums all day.  Before food, after food, resisting naps, resisting bed, resisting diaper changes.  It's exhausting for me to deal with and I have my hubby taking care of baby while I do it (or vice versa).  
My friend going through a similar situation just 3-4 weeks ahead of me posted an article today summing up toddler tantrums in three ways, tired, hungry, or needing to run around, preferably outside.  
I know he's not getting enough sleep.  Sleep sharing with both is not the problem, Ozzy barely makes any noise.  But we can't seem to get Eli to sleep before 10:00-10:30pm and that's with fighting.  Then he's up with me and Ozzy at 6:30-7am.  And naps have been horrible.  A fight all the way.  Today finally worked, he fell asleep at 11:45 and woke up about a half hour later so I went and lied down with him and just brought sleeping Ozzy and we all slept until 1:30pm.  But he was still cranky and tantrum-y all evening.
So food.  He did eat a lot of junk today, we had a meet and greet for Ozzy where he ate cookies, popcorn, chips, and some fruit.  Maybe he's getting too much sugar?  
I took him for about a 20 minute walk today which was nice.  I'm going to try and get him out every day for some fresh air though I know this will get harder as it gets colder with winter.  
I think Eli is the kind of child that does really well with a routine and obviously that has been turned upside down.  He has a new brother, his dad has been home, we've had visitors and parties.  So I am working on a routine for once Daddy is back at work.

Morning routine - which includes diaper changes, getting dressed, and Eli and I having our special drinks (Univera)
Sesame street (or at least Elmo's World because Eli LOVES Elmo)
Playtime and/or Baking or helping with dinner somehow
Brush Teeth

All I know is I can't keep handling meltdowns every time he needs to nap, sleep, leave Grandma's, get out of the bath, stop eating etc. etc.

This is not easy, but I didn't expect it to be. Parenting is so in the moment, ever-changing and evolving.

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