Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Shout out to single mom's!!

Man oh man. These past 2 and a half weeks have been pretty crazy. My hubby is new at his job and his boss left out of the country for 2 weeks. So these two weeks and the week before since he was rushing to train him how to do everything, he has been working insane hours, I think there was one day he worked 8 hours but there has been a lot of 12 hour days and working on weekends too! So I have basically felt like a single Mom lately. Fortunately, I have my parents in town who are AMAZING! My mom isn't working at the moment too so she's pretty much available when I need her! It's pretty amazing. So I am not complaining in any way. I am extremely lucky. I just wanted to shout out to the single mom's, especially ones that don't have the help of their family or friends so readily available! I can't even imagine.

I've loved how it's enabled me to grow in confidence and spend lots of time with my little angel! He is starting to chat and experiment with his voice. It's pretty amazing, hearing his little voice for the first time. He's learned how to jump in his jolly jumper before. Before he would sort of hop on one foot and turn in circles. He has definitely been nursing more in the hot weather. We are taking him to the beach to put him in the lake tomorrow with his BFF Cohen. It should be a fun night at the beach, not too hot, water should been a little warmer. He's also started to play with toys more and get more interested in books. He enjoys knocking block towers over that Grandpa makes.

His teething seems to have subsided a little bit, at least for now, that was a couple rough days though. Again, thank god for my mom being so helpful and giving me a break now and then. I weighed him on Monday and he was 15 lbs 6.5 ozs and 26.5 inches! He grew like a whole inch in a week! He's going to be a very tall boy! One of those boys that just picks up his little mommy.

Ok well he's been having a rather large nap and I think he will be very hungry upon waking up. I think I might even go for an evening walk with him. That sounds like a great way to end an evening to me!

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