Monday, January 3, 2011

Thanks Dad, I think?

The last post didn't really fit into the next one so I wanted to make it one in it's own, though be it likely a short one.

Eli has added some new skills to his arsenal.

He now waves thanks to his Daddy. It's adorable!

He also has both his top teeth through and growing! (I think he's teething still actually, he's drooling and definitely cranky!)

My Dad plays this game with Eli where he drops coasters on the floor and goes "uh oh". An "uh oh" per coaster actually. So Eli understands what uh oh means and he's started to say it! Especially if we say it first. So this could be his first word if you are assuming first words are something they say AND understand.

Now the bad news or the "I think?" part. Now when Eli is eating he will take food in one hand out to the side drop it and go "uh oh".


1 comment:

  1. lol I remember Phoenix doing that sort of stuff. I didn't care if she dropped her spoon or toys etc but I drew the line at food and I would just very gently catch her hand, make eye contact, and say "no" firmly. It didn't take long for her to catch on but the key is being very consistent about it so they know you really mean it. :)
